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14-day trial includes most paid functions
Start free trial now! Free 14-day trial includes all features and 50 bookingsSimplyBook.me offers a range of features included in the free system and more than 60 custom features
Do you need information from your clients upon booking? With this custom feature you can ask your clients obligatory or non-mandatory questions or offer them to leave a comment. This helps providers to be prepared and perform their job even better.
Examples of intake forms could be the following:
But if you want to provide some additional treatment during a service, and charge for it, for example, add a styling after a haircut then you can try our Service Add-ons feature.
All intakes forms' answers will be displayed in each booking details both in admin Calendar interface and in the detailed booking report. You can also add them to booking notification messages, sent to client and provider.
For more details, check out our Help Center article on Intake Forms feature.
Manage bookings in multiple locations with the associated providers and services
DetailsAre you running your business in many locations? If that's the case, then this feature is a must! The Multiple Locations custom feature enables you to create several sites, at separate addresses, in different cities, or even other countries. Add their contacts, photos of the office and additional necessary information - let your customers choose the location which suits them best.
Categorizing providers using the location feature, can also be an excellent way to make the booking process more streamlined. You can even use it if all of your services are in one place. If you have many providers, it would be good to categorize them by a defining feature of their work, such as morning staff and evening/weekend staff. Perhaps you want to categorize your stylists as junior and experienced specialists.
We highly recommend that you try out our Google Business integration. Clients can easily find your services on Google when they search for similar services "near them" - right from the Google map.
Add and customise service providers, each with individual schedules and personalised settings.
DetailsEach service typically has its provider: a hairdresser, a teacher, a doctor are all examples.
We've created service providers with flexibility in mind: they can have personal schedules, days off and vacations, irrespective of the general opening hours of your business or organisation. You can synchronize an employee schedule with his personal calendar, Google or Outlook.
You can connect services to a particular service provider and define how many clients each service provider can accept at the same time. Or you can allow your clients to book an appointment with the next available service provider by using the Any Employee Selector custom feature.
If your company is big and your have service providers distributed among different locations, you can add these Locations to your booking page to allow clients to select their preferred location.
There are many reports in the system which allow you to monitor your employees' efficiency and see the popularity of the services they provide. You can also review your employees workload to make sure you are distributing the workload evenly.
Everything related to services and corresponding schedules, you can do with maximum flexibility. You can set up each service schedule separately with customisable availability.
You can create one-to-one services or Classes for multiple participants. They can book them one by one, or make a Group booking.
You can also create special types of services, events that are held occasionally like a conference, special lecture course etc.
If your conference is a three-day event, or the lecture course includes five once-a-week lectures, you can create it as a recurring service and clients will be able to sign up for all the course lectures at once.
If your company provides numerous services of different types, you can group them into service Categories to simplify the booking process and client navigation.
It is possible to accept both online and offline payments for all services, and our reports will help you keep track of all the activity within your business.
Reserve with Google custom feature is an integration with a Google business service with the ability for people to book directly from the search results through Reserve with Google.
It is a powerful marketing tool which helps you to capture your leads instantly. As soon as potential clients find your business on Google Search, they will be able to make an appointment through the Reserve with Google platform, which is standardized and mobile-friendly. Simplifying the process of making a booking for your clients and linking it to your scheduling software is what the partnership between Reserve with Google and SimplyBook.me is all about.
Another benefit is to be visible in Google search results for particular services. Among the first several auto-complete options, “near me” is one of the most popular. These “[business/service] near me” searches have doubled in number over the past six months. Keep up with the latest trends to become significantly more visible through services such as Google Search, Google Assistant and Google Maps.
Learn more how Reserve with Google service look and feel on Google official website resource.
Using the News custom feature means that you can keep your clients updated and aware of what is going on. You can call it News or a Blog, but keep your booking site fresh and dynamic by informing your clients about what's happening in your business.
Having news on your website will also help to attract new customers, visitors will see that your website is alive and your business is prospering. You can add into news recent events, post your loyal customers' testimonials, add some interesting tips and so on. Tutorial available here.
If you want to add even more information to your website, you can also try our Custom page feature.
The photo gallery feature can bring life to your booking webpage with attractive and relevant images! You can upload pictures of your business, services, or whatever reflects your business best. For example, a hair salon may want to show a gallery of their creations, before & after photos, beautiful photos of the salon, and the smiling faces of their employees.
Even adding generic stock images can make your booking page appear more professional and engaging to visitors. You're motivating them to book with your company over others when they browse the web. Please check the instructions here on how to use this custom feature.
Add booking functionality as a simple iframe, a booking button or a contact widget to your booking website.
DetailsIf you want to accept bookings online, and already have your own website, you can add booking functionality to it by using SimplyBook.me widgets. They are easily customisable and can, therefore, fit perfectly into your website design.
There are various types of widgets: you can add a simple iFrame widget to show a list of bookable services right on your page. Alternatively, you can use the Booking button widget that adds a nice and neat booking button at the side of your website, and by clicking on it, the customers will book the services in a pop-up window.
To make the booking functionality even better, you can add a contact form to your widget using the "Contact and Booking button" widget. You can also create custom widgets with predefined locations, categories, services or providers, or get a separate widget with clients' reviews. If you need some guidance with widgets for memberships, gift cards or packages, contact our Live Chat as we are happy to help.
There are also special widgets allowing integration with social networks:
here you can read about our Facebook integration.
If your website builder does not work with HTML/Javascript, we have another option - you can add a simple HTML button that will lead your clients to your booking website.
Adding any of the widgets does not require programming skills, you need only select the desired design, generate the code, paste it to your website, and it's finished. More detailed instructions of how to do it for the specific site builders such as WordPress, Joomla and others you can find
here in our Help Centre.
Integrate booking functionality into your website in just a few clicks.
DetailsNeed to add a booking option to your website, but you're not a developer? Now it is easy! You simply select the desired design, generate the code, paste it to your website, and it's done. The clients will be able to book your services while staying on your website.
You can even create custom widgets with predefined locations, categories, services or provider. Get a separate widget for client reviews, and we can help with widgets for memberships, gift cards or packages.
Given the various custom design options, it's easy to change the widget look and feel to match your brand.
It is possible to integrate the booking functionality into websites built with Joomla, Wordpress, Site123 and many others. Here you can find step-by-step instructions on how to insert a widget.
If you actively use your social media platforms to represent and promote your company Facebook integration could come in handy for you.
Integrate booking functionality into your Facebook or Instagram business pages in a couple of clicks.
DetailsBy registering with SimplyBook.me, you get a dedicated booking website. Still, if you already have a business website, you can integrate the booking functionality there using one of the widget options.
If you actively use your social media platforms to represent and promote your business, then our Facebook & Instagram Booking feature is a must for you.
With Facebook & Instagram bookings, all your services will be listed on your company business page with the Facebook original design and will be searchable by the Facebook native search. By clicking on the service, your client will go to your booking website where they can complete the booking process.
You may also add a "Book Now" button on your Facebook and Instagram page, which also links to your booking website.
No programming skills necessary, simply paste your SimplyBook.me booking website URL to the Facebook button settings and the booking functionality will be visible on your Facebook business page.
Here you can see a step by step tutorial on adding the booking functionality to different social media platforms.
Keep your website photos fresh and changing with automated Instagram sharing.
DetailsDo you want to keep your booking website and your social images dynamic and fresh? With the Instagram photo-sharing feature, you can upload pictures to your Insta account and those images will automatically appear on your booking website. Handy, when a picture says a 1000 words.
Using the Instagram photo-sharing feature doesn't require any special efforts. You just login into your Insta account and all the rest is processed automatically. If you already have too many posts on your Instagram account, you can set how many images to display per page on your booking website. For more details of how this feature works, you can look at our Help Center.
Do you want your booking website to be a fully-functional website with informative pages, blog, news and gallery? Look no further, SimplyBook.me has got you covered.
With the Custom page feature, you can add more pages to your website with fully customizable content, re-order all booking site pages in the main menu, hide menu items, and also add custom links to the main menu.
By having your booking website filled with quality content and professional images, you increase the chances of potential clients finding and booking your services.
The ideas are endless! So go wild in customizing your perfect booking website. Having an excellent website will increase the chances of new visitors booking your services instead of with your competitors!
We understand that looks matter, in business, they matter a lot. Therefore, we don't just provide beautiful booking website templates, with as many pages as you like, but we allow you to customise them to get the look and feel you are after, and to enable you to get them in line with your brand.
The design features available within the admin interface allow you to play with the design. For example, you can choose between more than 15 different templates, adjust colours to match your brand, insert your company logo, background image, team and service photos on top of adding images from your business into your booking website Gallery.
You can keep your page simple or add various descriptions for Services, Service Providers, Locations and Categories with HTML formatting, FYI - no coding skills required!
We have different customisation options such as right-to-left scripting support for eastern languages.
Finally, you can go nuts and do all kinds of magic if you know CSS coding or know someone who can do it for you. With the help of the Custom CSS custom feature you can do your CSS magic. Use this custom feature for free!
There are various Marketing tools in the system designed to help you to promote your business and "Reviews" is one of them.
Everybody knows that positive word of mouth is the best marketing measure out there, and that's where reviews come in. The system allows you to collect your clients' reviews and show them on your booking website.
SimplyBook.me can send automatic emails to your customers after the service has taken place requesting feedback from them. Simply configure the text of the email and the number of times you would like to send it. This feedback is published on your booking site as a review, giving you valuable social proof.
If you do not use our Client login feature, and merely ask clients to provide email or phone number to book online, we'll ensure that people cannot post random reviews. Customers will be asked to use their Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts for identification.
On top of that, your company can be listed in our Booking.page directory, including all the positive reviews. Your customer feedback will be indexed by search robots which should help you to attract new clientele.
Do you already have a website and want to be able to reach out to your clients and offer the ability to book your services or ask you questions?
Our contact widget will appear as a convenient button on the side of your website. The button and booking process are fully customizable, so you can adjust colors and fonts to make it look on-brand.
Your clients will be able to schedule an appointment with you, or if they can't find a suitable time and want to leave you a message. You will receive notification by email about new messages. If you prefer, you can turn the notifications off and just check the Contact widget messages report when it suits you. Please check here the instruction on how to set up this custom feature.
With the endless competition out there, a great domain name along with neat design, clear identity and positioning can have a decisive impact on the success of your company. New clients will find your booking website more easily, and it will be simpler to remember.
Do not hesitate to check if your desired domain name is up for sale, or choose among names listed by popular Domain Name Providers such as NameCheap, GoDaddy and others.
If you already own your domain name, use our Custom Domain feature to use the booking website with your domain name or a related sub-domain.
In case you also want a fully white-label solution, it is possible with the SimplyBook.me Standard or Premium subscriptions. Please see these instructions on how to set up your domain name in our Help center.
Facebook client login and adding Facebook profile info of clients into your admin dashboard.
DetailsDo you want your customers to be able to log in without registration but at the same time keep the booking process as smooth as possible? Allow them to authenticate themselves and make appointments using the Facebook login.
This feature will also store Facebook profile data associated with a client, and you'll be able to use it for communication with your client. For example, having a Facebook profile image will help you to find upcoming bookings of the client just with a brief look over your admin calendar. Facebook profile data will also be visible in the dashboard, management interfaces and all system reports making them more appealing.
On top of that, you can now recognize the client walking in, greeting them with their name to make sure they feel welcome as soon as they walk through the door.
Be efficient and be a pro with the Facebook login feature!
To find out more about this custom feature please check our Help Center.
The SimplyBook.me onboarding process is a breeze. Even if you already have an extensive database of clients, the Import Clients feature assists you in the seamless integration of your clients into your SimplyBook.me account.
To import your client list, simply upload a CSV* file containing your client data, select headers for the corresponding columns, and you will have an updated list of clients in your client register within the admin interface.
Now you can send emails to all your clients to let them know that they can book your services online 24/7! Be aware, importing a client list with emails and client information, if the clients have not explicitly granted you the right to do so, is prohibited. This feature is free for all standard and premium clients.
*CSV - “comma-separated values” is the widely used format for importing data. If you store your client database in an Excel file, you can easily convert it into CSV selecting this option in the file save window. Here you can see our tutorial on how to use this custom feature.
Offer promotions to stir up your customers and increase your sales!
This feature is super handy and very flexible:
The SimplyBook.me system keeps track of all issued gift cards, coupons and sent messages so you'll be able to see them in your reports section. In order to find the instructions on how to create a gift card or coupons please check Help center.
Let your clients book, cancel and quickly reschedule appointments.
DetailsAs soon as your client has confirmed the booking with you, they will receive a booking confirmation via email or SMS. This notification includes a link offering them the option to cancel or change the booking if necessary. Alternatively, your client can cancel or reschedule a booking within their profile on your company website.
If you need to cancel the booking yourself, as an administrator, you can easily do this in the "Booking details report" or the admin "Calendar".
After a client cancels a booking, the system sends notifications to both the client and the service provider. To prevent inefficiency in your company's working schedule, you can specify the last point at which a client can cancel a booking. For example, you can specify that all appointments must be cancelled more than 24 hours before the booked session. For other services that require more preparation or initial financial outlay, you can set your "final" cancellation point to a week or even a month.
Please note that SimplyBook.me does not refund clients in cases of cancellation, that is between you and your customer. To avoid misunderstanding, you can use the following custom features. With Approve booking custom feature you can check client’s appointments before approving them. Also you may be interested in Deposits feature which allows you to pre-charge part of the price during the online booking process.
If clients only need to change the date or time of appointments, they can merely Reschedule the appointment or ask an administrator to do so.
Calendar notes feature enables you to attach comments near the cancelled or rescheduled bookings.
Easy and flexible management of all of your appointments, clients, services and much more
DetailsAdmin interface includes your calendar view, various reports, interface to manage your clients, services, providers and other additional items you may want to sell such as gift cards or memberships. Additionally, you can adjust the design of your booking website and manage all the custom features to customise the system's functionality to your needs.
The admin calendar will be your day-to-day interface. It gathers all your company bookings in one place. You can select the view you prefer: by provider, service, date, week or month. You can see the break times and days off for your business, services and providers. Using our Calendar notes feature you can show important information near a booking, or attach a reason for a break time added.
With the Booking status or Provider color coding custom features you can improve your calendar view. For example, by marking an active booking with "Client has arrived", "Service in Progress" then "Client has paid and left", you can stay on top of the business workflow. It will help you to see which bookings need your immediate attention quickly.
Our system reports allow you to monitor your business activities: see all bookings, payment transactions, client reviews and more. In the financial reports, you can find an overview of your business sales, different services profitability, employee workload, etc. You can read more about reports here
.Add multiple system users with different access levels and administrative rights
DetailsYou can have multiple system users at no additional cost and assign them different administrative rights and access levels.
Here are the following user roles in the SimplyBook.me system:
The "Administrator" has the right to manage and alter everything and anything in the system. Usually, that would be you, the owner of the system, but it is also possible to have more than one administrator. This user can manage subscriptions and all system settings: enable and disable additional features and has access to all reports.
The "Senior employee" users can work with bookings and schedules for all service providers, but cannot change business functions.
Each "Junior Employee" can also have access to the system, but with limited rights. They can see and manage only their working schedules and bookings. For an intern or visiting auditor, you may want to give only "Viewer" rights so they can only see what's going on, without being able to make changes.
The system logs all users' actions, so you'll be able to see precisely which user made a change. For example, being able to see who cancelled a booking or added a comment.
We have great respect for privacy, so you'll be able to get a GDPR personal report for each system user to see which data we store and request that we remove it if necessary.
As you set up your booking website, your business is automatically listed on booking.page, our company directory.
As more and more businesses are listed, this is becoming a great resource for potential customers to find your business. You can also feature reviews and promotions through booking.page to drum up even more business. Just to be clear though, if you prefer not to be listed you can of course disable the connection. Click here to check out booking.page.
Manage your clients' information, settings, and review personal client reports.
DetailsYou can add new clients from within the admin interface, or they can register themselves during the booking process.
If you already have a customer list, you can import it into the SimplyBook.me system using a CSV. file format. And vice versa, you can also easily export clients from your booking system to Excel.
The client management interface is handy to view client records and edit their details.
Here you can administer your clients: block/unblock some customers, reset their passwords if requested and edit subscribeunsubscribe preferences for marketing notifications like feedback requests, promotions and book again reminders.
Additionally, in the admin interface, you can manage most custom features that relate to clients. For example, you may want to run a loyalty program for your customers issuing personal gift cards, discounts, or creating special memberships for VIP customers.
By default, the system does not require client registration; it is enough to enter an email address and phone number to secure an appointment. However, you can enable Client login custom feature to ensure client uniqueness. If a customer created two accounts in your system by mistake (made a typo or used a different phone number), you could merge the duplicate records.
Do you often have clients who want to book your services for more than just themselves? This can be useful for services such as sightseeing tours, group lectures, sports classes and various training events.
By enabling this feature, you make the booking process much easier for such clients. They will not have to go through the booking process several times for each participant; instead, they enter the total number of people joining. This becomes especially handy if you accept online payments because in this case, the client will be redirected to the payment system only once per each group booking.
You may want to send slightly different notifications when a client books for a group, that is why we also provide customizable email/SMS templates for this feature. Please check the instructions on how to set up Group bookings custom feature here.
Multiple booking feature makes both the booking process easy for clients and allows you to upsell without any additional efforts.
How does it work? A “Add another service” button will appear on the confirmation page of your booking site, which means that a client can add extra appointments to the cart before confirming the booking. These new bookings could be different times, services and/or providers. The Multiple Booking feature is especially handy if you accept online payments; rather than being redirected to the payment processor website for every appointment, the client pays for everything together.
Make sure to keep the booking process smooth for your clients to encourage him to come back.
You may want to send slightly different notifications when clients have booked multiple appointments. That is why we also provide customizable email/SMS templates for this feature. Check instructions on how to use this custom feature in our Help center.
There are a lot of business circumstances when one may want to check clients' appointments in the company's calendar before confirming them. Maybe you need the ability to control the scheduled arrangements. By enabling the Approve booking feature, you have the freedom to approve or decline any appointments made through the booking platform.
You may need this feature in the following situations:
Your booking requests and approved bookings can be monitored in your dashboard calendar, and are automatically color-coded for your convenience. Please note, that the ‘Approve Booking' does not work with Accept Payments custom feature because accepting upfront payment is a confirmation from your company side by definition. Please check here more details about the Approve bookings custom feature.
Color-code your bookings' statuses in your admin calendar to make identifying different types of bookings quick and simple.
DetailsWith the Status feature, you can make the most of your admin view of the booking calendar. In a company with many providers and a service desk accepting clients, the Status custom feature will enable you to assign a color-coded status for your bookings.
For example, marking an active booking with "Client has arrived", "Service in Progress" then "Client has paid and left", you can stay on top of the workflow in your business. When you quickly glance over the admin calendar, you can easily see which bookings require attention. You can customise your booking status text to fit your business needs.
Learn more about how this feature works here in our Help Center.
Identify bookings and provider schedules at a glance with colour coding
DetailsBe efficient and quickly identify whose bookings are coming up! By enabling the Provider Colour Coding custom feature, you can colour code your providers and their appointments to make identifying associated reservations quick and straightforward.
When you quickly glance over the admin calendar, you can easily identify which bookings belong to which provider. The same color code will be used for a provider in the dashboard, management interfaces and all system reports.
Learn more about how this feature works here in our Help Center.
Provider Colour Coding makes organising your providers across your calendar an easy task.
By default, clients can book without registration, to make the booking process as easy as possible. However, there are plenty of benefits from using the Client login feature both for you and your clients.
You can more easily expand your business and increase revenues if you have your clients registered. By having names and email addresses, you can send "Book soon" reminders, sell Gift cards, Memberships and Packages. Combined, these additional opportunities for marketing can significantly increase your sales.
From the client point of view, they can see their booking/purchase history, receive discounts, and participate in loyalty programs created by your company.
On top of that, their data will be more protected. Following the newest GDPR guidelines, we offer a suite of security and data-protection features; all of them are entirely free, but they do require client registration. Check out the article in our Help Center to find out more about the Client login.
You can use the membership feature to restrict particular services to members only, offer them discounts, send them gift cards or offer them additional treatments.
The Membership feature can also function as a marketing tool. You can offer both discounts and treats to your members, as well as lower recurring payments if they become members. Please note, recurring membership payments work with Stripe everywhere except within the EU. With the Stripe payment provider, you can define an initial payment price with a lower recurring price, which will be withdrawn automatically from the client's credit card.
Memberships can either be purchased by the client, from the booking page, or generated by admin in the dashboard.
If you have more questions, you can find them in our Help Center FAQ on Memberships.
Make the most of each client by selling them relevant products upon booking. They will love to get a corresponding product suggestion from you, and you will increase your sales. By allowing your clients to select a product to buy during the booking process, you only have the best part left when they show up. After nurturing your clients throughout their service, you can hand them the product they already bought.
How will it work? When your clients are booking the services, you will offer them the option to add relevant products to their purchase. Every product they purchase will be listed clearly on their invoice, which you'll be able to see later on the Sales report, in the admin interface. Appointment details on the admin calendar will also contain products purchased with this booking.
You can also sell products directly on your booking website, allowing clients to purchase them without going through the booking process.
See details of Products feature and how it works along with other SimplyBook.me custom features here in our Help Center.
Do you offer classes or events?
The Classes custom feature provides your customers with a preset schedule where they can easily see all your available classes. Click here to see an example of a class schedule.
This feature can also be useful to schedule events, or non-regular meetings. It can be an event for one or several days for which you can customize time, number of participants or even make it available for VIP customers only by connecting the event to a specific membership.
Check out our video of Classes feature and read about it in our Help Center.
Sell your services for a higher price by giving clients a posibility to include premium or luxure extras to them.
DetailsWith SimplyBook.me you can allow your clients to choose specific service add-ons upon booking. For example, you could offer your clients the luxury relaxing oil to the massage, the new gel for the hair, or use only organic products during the make-up session. This feature can give you the chance to increase sales by 10-20% without raising prices or reducing availability. You still offer the same old service at the same price, but you have optional add-ons, from which the clients can choose. Use your imagination to think of new add-ons that might increase your sales and profits.
It is super easy for clients to purchase add-ons to their service; they only need one little click. If you need some flexibility to sell more than one additional item per service, try our “Products for Sale” feature, which allows your clients to purchase products when they book.
You can include both Add-ons and Products to booking email notifications, which you send to your clients and providers automatically upon booking confirmation. Also, we encourage you to check out the Sales report to see how much your revenues have increased after implementing those features.
Read more about Add-ons feature here in our Help Center.
We know that not every booking is for a single appointment. Sometimes people want to book regular appointments or service packages, like personal training three times a week for 12 weeks. That's why the system enables you to accept recurring appointments. Neat, isn't it?
If a client books a recurring service, they need to select a start date and then confirm the suggested dates for the following appointments. They complete the booking and payment process just once, and then the only thing left to do is attend the sessions. But of course, we'll send them reminders before every appointment separately, to make sure they don't forget.
If your case is slightly different, for example, if clients pay for the set of appointments with no predefined schedule, then our Packages feature will suit you better. You can create a package for 10 x massage sessions or 12 x driving lessons. Then after you have processed the payment, clients will be able to book each appointment later, picking a convenient date and time that fits with their schedule.
Both recurring services and package services are compatible with all the default services functionality: The client and the provider will receive notifications, any payment types are acceptable, and bookings collate within the corresponding reports.
Boost your sales by offering several services and products bundled up in one package! By doing that you achieve a win-win scenario whereby your clients get outstanding services with an additional bonus in the form of supplementary services or products for a good price.
Let's take an example. You can create a package of 10 bookings of a certain service at the price of 8, to motivate your client to buy more. You can also create a package with your most popular services at a discount and then add other new/less popular services to it, in order to promote those. In case you are selling some products, you can also bundle them up with your most popular services.
The same way as all our other SimplyBook's star features such as Memberships and Gift cards, Packages can be purchased by your clients from booking page, or issued directly from the admin interface. If you are using our POS feature you can also sell packages from that interface.
It's easy for your clients to use packages. After they have bought one, they can book services and purchase products and "pay" with their package. In case they want to add a product or service, not included in the package, they can pay for that as per usual, by any type of online payment system.
All information of purchased packages are thoroughly kept and can be easily accessed in our Report interfaces.
See detailed info in our Help Center article.
Make sure all of your providers have the required resources for each appointment.
DetailsWhen you make appointments manually, you might keep in mind the resources that you have available and know whether you have an open spot. That kind of mental load can become exhausting, and then unmanageable, as your business grows.
By using the related resources management tool, your system will decide whether you have the tools available to accept an appointment. When you don’t have the necessary inventory free, the system won’t allow anyone to schedule the appointment. This automated resource management makes it far easier to share inventory availability equally between service providers.
Connect equipment, rooms, seats or anything else that is limited in quantity to a service. Several resources of a different type can be connected to the same service when needed.
For group sessions, you can create individual resources, for example, chairs or shared resources such as a classroom. It is also possible to create named or anonymous resources if you don’t need to distinguish between them.
Information about resources used for particular booking is visible with the booking details in admin Calendar and Reports; you can also include it into booking notification templates if necessary.
Customise the working schedule for your company, employees and services.
DetailsEvery business and company is different, and schedules can vary greatly. That's why we keep things flexible.
You can set general opening hours for your business or organisation, and also change the service duration: from 5 minutes, e.g. for tanning salon services to whole day duration for rentals. Depending on your business specifics you can select the preferred Calendar Layout which suits your business the best.
If there are several service providers in your company, they may have their separate schedules, days off and vacations. Services also may require individual timetables: there can be evening services or services held on only on specific dates such as Events and Classes.
Also, if some of your employees use Google Calendar or Outlook online, they can sync their private calendars with the company booking calendar to avoid double bookings.
You have the option to add preferences on how close to the appointment time the customers can book, and how far in advance. This feature may be necessary if you have preparations to perform beforehand, or if you have to purchase supplies or equipment.
There are also other features to solve the specific time settings. For example you can add a Buffer Time between services to avoid back-to-back bookings, or change the service duration for each particular booking using Service add-ons with duration.
You decide how you want your booking system set up, and we make sure it works!
Do you need to organise a conference with a limited number of attendants or a lecture course held during a certain period? All of these can be implemented using Event appointments (included in Classes custom feature).
You can create an Event in Classes management interface and add its custom schedule: a particular day or a set of dates. It can be a one-time or a recurring event (batch) in case you want the clients to sign up for multiple days at once.
It's also possible to define the number of participants for each event. Of course, events include all the features that services usually have: the option for prepayment online, confirmations and notifications. It can be cancelled or rescheduled and you can demand admin booking confirmation before approval.
If your conference will be held online you can use our Gruveo or other online video meetings integration. Otherwise, for classic offline conferences you may need to reserve the necessary number of chairs or meeting rooms for attendants, then our Related resources feature may come in handy.
Attach notes to time intervals in your Calendar, with colours or comments, to explain, notify, or instruct your staff.
DetailsIt may be useful to add valuable information to the Calendar page, whether it's for break times or bookings, to inform yourself and other employees of various things.
It is possible to add notes visible for everybody, selected services or providers only. All of your employees can see the essential details so you can update everyone in your company in a few clicks. You can also attach notes to a specific provider if you want only them and admin to see the relevant note. You can create different types of comments and mark them with colour-coding. For example, red notes for the important ones about scheduled repair works on your premises or green notes with a reminder to praise an employee for an excellent job during some working day.
The system collects all Calendar notes in a corresponding report with all export and filtration options.
Besides Calendar Notes, you can also use the comment feature within each booking. They are attached to each booking, and you can see them in booking details, from the Calendar interface or the Booking details report. Use them for whatever you need, marking the client as VIP, letting your staff know that the customer has some specific needs or if they like white chocolate more than dark.
Issue tickets for your services, classes and events that your clients can either print or save to their smartphones.
DetailsIssue tickets for services, classes and events. Your clients can either print their tickets or save them to a smartphone. You can scan tickets from both a printed ticket or from the mobile phone screen, using the SimplyBook.me mobile admin app or manually input to the browser version of the Validate tickets section. If you have HTML/CSS knowledge, you can also customise the look of your tickets.
Check out our Help Centre tutorial to learn more about how to set up the Tickets feature. If you would like to create a customised ticket, you will need to have a Premium subscription with SimplyBook.me. The number of issued tickets is limited to 300 per month. If you need more tickets, please contact enterprise@simplybook.me
Spread your bookings evenly across providers and keep a balanced schedule
DetailsSpread your bookings out and don't let any individual provider get overworked, but also ensure that you fill empty appointment slots. By using the Any Employee Selector, you can ensure that customers who want an appointment can only book the service and not choose who performs it. Alternatively, you can allow two separate options to choose a provider, or not. Some clients would like a specific provider, while others don't mind.
This feature is also useful if you want to simplify the booking process and skip the provider selection step altogether, allowing the system to do it automatically. The client only chooses a service, date and time. For this purpose, you should just set to ‘hide all providers’ option in settings as it is explained in our Help Center.
If you have services with different length and other specific requirements to start time and intervals between services, this feature can be a flexible solution.
The Appointment at Fixed time may solve the following situations:
You have some 30min service but want it to be booked at start of each hour only. Then you can configure fixes start times as 9:00, 10:00 (otherwise it will be 9:00, 9:30, 10:00..)
More complex but common example for those who use Flexible timeline is when you have services of a different length, some of them short like 5min - then you'll have 9:00, 9:05, 9:10 start times for all services. And with Slots timeline you'll have 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 time start options, but you'd like to give your customers a little bit more flexibility say allow to book each hour. You can solve this by using this feature, and Slots timeline, and then you'll have: 9:00, 10:00, 11:00… start time.
See here our manual how to use this feature.
Do you need to restrict the number of bookings in some instances? It is possible to limit the total number of simultaneous bookings on your company's account. You can also set a specific limit for each service separately.
This limit booking function is a custom feature you may need in the following case:
If your services require additional resources, such as a dental chair or room in the studio, you can limit the total number of bookings according to the number of shared resources.
When the booking limit is reached, the corresponding time interval will look unavailable on the booking page, and in the admin interface. However, it is possible to skip this restriction for admin purposes. Please check the instructions on how to use this custom feature in our Help center.
Does it often happen that clients need to reschedule their appointments?
It can be time-consuming to cancel the current booking and create a new one for another date and time, especially if the customer has already paid online.
We designed the Client rescheduling custom feature specifically to solve such problems.
It allows you to include a rescheduling link in your clients' notification messages. The customer can use the link to find a new suitable time within the permitted rescheduling period.
It is possible to add rescheduling links to any notification template in the system including the custom templates created for the selected service or provider using Flexible notifications feature.
Clients can also reschedule their appointments from the "Upcoming bookings" interface in their client profiles on your booking website.
To keep your company schedule organised and coherent, you can define a minimum period before the booked appointment for when a client can reschedule it.
Manage your company like a pro with detailed reporting information on all bookings and payments.
DetailsThere are various reports in the system to help you run your business.
The basic reports show your company's main activity, and you can view detailed information in different formats, such as:
The following customer-related reports help you to stay in touch with your clients:
You may also want to collect Reviews to get to know your customers feedback better and use the Visitor Counter to analyse your booking page efficiency.
For financial monitoring, you can use:
The reports mentioned above will help you to monitor your business, identify and prevent problems, see ways for improvement, and support your growth.
SimplyBook.me puts your security first. Personal data reports - allow you to see the sensitive data we store about your employees and clients, you can also request that we remove the information, if required.
On top of that, we have specialised reports for most of our custom features to help you identify which features are useful for your business. Examples of our other reports include Voice bookings report, Pending bookings list, Membership payments, Classes report, Issued packages, Issued coupons and more.
Add buffer times between appointments to give yourself time to rest or prepare for the next client.
DetailsDo you serve your customers from the comfort of their homes and need some time to go between places, need to have rest time between your appointments or preparing the space for your next client? Add some buffer time to the desired services, and the system will automatically block the corresponding buffer after each appointment.
Let's see how it works. For example, at 9:00, you provide a 30-min massage, and you need a 15 min break to prepare the room for the next client. With the buffer time feature, clients will be able to book the next 30-min massage session at 9:45, but the service time remains 30 minutes long so that your customers won't get confused. In your employee workload report, you'll see that the massage provider spent 45 mins on this appointment.
Use the clients' timezones for the booking website and notifications and customise date and time formats.
DetailsOur users and their clients are located all over the world, and that is why we provide various customisation options for date and time.
If the timezones of you and your clients differ then to avoid any confusion, you can show the booking website in your clients' timezones and send the notifications according to their time as well.
You also have the option to change the system language, and adjust the wording for almost all texts used on the booking website and admin interface.
Customise the look of your booking website like changing colors, styles, fonts and hide elements.
DetailsWith the Custom CSS feature, you'll have no restrictions on how you can change your booking page. You'll be able to alter colors, fonts and adjust styles, as well as moving and hiding different elements, add small, nice-looking animations etc.
This feature can be useful if your company already has brand colors and style guidelines. Alternatively, you may already have your ideal booking page in mind, and it goes far beyond the standard templates. It is possible to customize both the main booking page and the widget. So if you embed the booking module into your website, with a widget, you can customize it to blend in smoothly.
The Custom CSS feature is free for all users, but we only recommend it for users who are familiar with CSS/HTML coding. If you need any help, you can try to reach out to our support team for assistance. You can also check the instructions on how to use the Custom CSS here.
Customise the language and wording of your booking website and admin interface.
DetailsThe system will usually define the language of your interface by the company address you used upon registration. However, you can change that later in the system settings. You can switch the language to one of the suggested ones or even add your unique custom translation. For example, you can change some terms to make them more appropriate for your business, like using “doctors” or “teachers” instead of just “service providers”. It is also possible to customise the booking website´s translation only leaving the admin interface in your preferred language.
You can manage translations directly in the admin interface or download all the system texts in one .po file to edit them using specialised software and then upload the updated wording back to the account. This option can be more convenient if you have a professional translator.
If you need to show the booking site in several languages for the clients to choose from you can use Google Translate custom feature.
Get all advantages of using rich HTML formatting for elements you displayed on your booking page.
DetailsUse rich HTML formatting to display your booking page precisely as you want it. By describing your services clearly and concisely, you will increase the odds of getting new bookings.
This feature allows you to make your booking page look professional by highlighting key elements, organize text in lists and paragraphs, change font and colors and more. This feature works not only for Services but also for Service Providers, Classes, Locations, Categories, Memberships, Gift cards, Products and more.
As this is a MUST HAVE feature, we have decided to make it FREE for all our users.
If you need even more flexibility in changing the look and feel of your booking website, then we encourage you to check out our Custom CSS feature. Check our tutorial here on how to use the HTML custom feature.
Redirect your customers to a specific page upon completion of the booking process.
DetailsTake your customers back to your home page or any other selected URL after they've completed the booking process.
You can choose to redirect immediately or to show the link when the booking is complete. You're giving your customers the options either to go back home or to stay on the page and book more.
You can use this feature to show your customers an attractive "Thank you" page, one they've completed a booking. Alternatively, you can also use it to give additional information about their booking or links to company policies.
This feature can also help collect statistical metrics for your marketing needs. You can calculate how many of your visitors become new customers and then regular ones. For this purpose, you can use the redirect to a page with Google Analytics, or some other script that collects statistics. Please check the instructions in our Help Center on how to correctly set up this custom feature.
Show your clients how many spaces remain per slot for classes and events.
DetailsRemaining spaces feature is useful for companies providing services where many clients attend at the same time. Two great examples are classes or events with a limited number of attendees. People may want to participate in such events with their friends and want to make sure that all of them can attend. You may designate some events as only available with a minimum number of attendees. In this case, the client would try to join an event where more people had signed up, hence increasing the likelihood of the event taking place.
By showing how many spaces are left when you accept multiple clients per slot, you indicate that you care about customers’ needs. You can also choose to show the total number of spaces as well as the number of the remaining ones. This option works for the following selected calendar layouts: Modern, Slots weekly, Modern provider, Daily and Weekly classes.
Here you can read more about Calendar Layout options presenting the booking availability on your website
Select your favorite “Calendar Layout” to represent your services' availability in the preferred way.
DetailsEvery business is unique, and the preferred Calendar layout varies with the company type. That is why we've added several calendar layouts (timelines) for you to choose from so that you can show your available times clearly and efficiently.
There are weekly timelines, or maybe you prefer to show your services in a daily layout, if you have many services, to prevent your schedule from looking overcrowded.
"Slots" timelines show available times in the intervals equal to your service duration. For example, if you have a one-hour massage session, the start times will be 9:00, 10:00 etc. The timetable starts counting from the first available time slot in the day, only available times show and unavailable slots are hidden. This option allows you to fill your company schedule "with no holes".
In case you need more flexibility, you can select one of the "flexible" timelines that show available time in the intervals equal to your timeframe duration. The timeframe is a time interval you choose as the system base period; it can be 30 mins or 15 mins for example if you want to allow your clients to book at 9:00, 9:15, 9:30, 9:45 etc.
The "Classes" timeline is perfect for companies that provide classes, lectures or sports activities with predefined schedules. In this case, the clients will see your weekly availability as a table with the scheduled classes names and times.
Calendar Layout may seem complicated at first as there are several from which you can choose. We encourage you to start by setting up your services and their schedules and then go to Design settings page and try different calendar layouts. You will be able to see how it looks, with the different layouts, in the live preview window below on the same page. Simply select the one which fits your particular case the best.
Pick your favourite theme. We have more than 15 theme templates that you can adjust to your taste and brand identity
DetailsWe have more than 15 theme templates available for your booking website and widgets. They are different in style: they can be formal, bright and festive, elegant, fashionable and stylish — choose whatever suits your business the best!
Each template has a set of predefined colour schemes plus the ability to customise colours. You can upload your logo, change the background and add photos of your services to make your booking website eye-catching and unique.
If you already have a business website, and want to use one of our widgets to insert the booking functionality, then that's as easy as pie. The design settings will help you to customise the widget look and feel to match your brand and website.
Other possibilities to Customise design include adding a photo gallery, news, or any custom changes you may need with the Custom CSS feature.
The Insights report is a great tool to help you to analyse your business effectively. By seeing your company's workload broken down to different services and providers you'll be able to manage your business in the most effective way. KPIs such as the most popular services can help you to focus more on the development of those services that are in highest demand by your customers.
Seeing the split between online and offline bookings can also be informative. If you are still getting most of your bookings via the phone it goes to show that your booking website still has huge potential, requires some further design, and that you need to promote it more effectively to both new clients as well as your current client base. Please check the tutorial on how to use the Insights here.
Monitor and manage everything that happens on your site for marketing purposes.
DetailsAre you tech-savvy and want to make sure you are tracking everything on your booking website? From the number of visits, the time spent on-site to conversions from your Google Ads? If that's the case, then the Google Tag Manager is for you.
The Google Tag Manager feature allows you to manage tracking and marketing optimisation JavaScript tags on your site. The ability to add and update AdWords, Google Analytics, Floodlight, and non-Google tags makes the Google Tag Manager an ideal single point to organise your marketing and tracking.
How will it work for you? You should install our Google Tag integration feature and then sign up for a Google tag manager site. Follow the instructions you receive, and you'll be granted access to numerous Tag Manager possibilities.
By tagging your booking site, and using Google Tag Manager with Google Analytics, you'll be able to collect masses of valuable data that will help you run your business.
Some reasons for using tag tracking are; scroll tracking, form submissions, conducting surveys, generating heat maps, remarketing, or tracking how people come to your site. They're also used to monitor specific events like file downloads, clicks on certain links, or item removal from a shopping cart.
While GTM is, obviously, a Google product, it's not just limited to working with tags for other Google services like AdWords or Analytics. You can also use it to manage many different third-party tags, including Twitter, Bing Ads, Crazy Egg, and Hotjar, to name a few. If there's another tag which doesn't have a template in GTM, you can add a custom code.
We encourage you to read our Tag Manager article on our blog to get more insight, and here you can see the instructions on how to set it up.
Stay on top of your booking website popularity at all times with the “Visitor Counter” feature. To get more visits you need to improve the SEO on your booking website by adding quality content, with keywords that your clients might search for online, as well as promoting it on social media and to your current clientele.
The Visitor Counter shows you how many visits your booking website gets as well as the "Booking per visit rate". It's important to monitor that ratio well as it shows if your booking website and service offerings appeal to your visitors. On top of that you can track all trends, so if you change your service offerings or the look of your booking website, you can see the effects it has on your "Booking per visit" rate.
Remember that first impression is vital and by adding high quality images, good service descriptions and fair discounts you will get more bookings and see your "Booking per visit" rate rise.
Visitor Counter is easy but yet an effective tool, please check here the instructions on how it works. If you are tech savvy, you can also try our more extensive Google adwords and analytics feature.
Start each day by checking out the workload ahead and get prepared for the day! Every day at your selected time, the Daily Report custom feature will send you an up-to-date status of all bookings for the day in a simple, readable format.
You will also receive a list with your active bookings for the upcoming week. In the settings of this Custom Feature you can decide whether you want to include today's new bookings, today's cancelled bookings, determine the period for upcoming bookings like 1 day, 3, 7, 14, 21, 30 days, and set notification time. Please check here the instructions on how to set it up.
Add taxes to your services and products and monitor sales and paid taxes.
DetailsWith SimplyBook.me, you can easily add Sales tax to your services or products. You can choose whether to display the taxes charged on the booking page or only in the price totals on the checkout page.
You have the option to create alternative types of tax allocated to different services or products.
The Sales and Tax report allows you to see gross sales and paid taxes, total, and for each service separately.
Tighten security measures by specifying requirements for password creation
DetailsWith the Password Security Settings, you can toughen your security system against possible intrusion. In just a few steps, you can improve security by demanding more complex and challenging passwords from everybody you want to authorise in your account.
You can configure length and characters allowed for passwords, along with failed login attempts handling rules. These requirements could be set up for all of your users, including clients, if you decide they should have the authority to book appointments. This is possible with the Client Login custom feature.
Go on our Help Centre to see the instructions on how to use this custom feature.
Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and you must consult with your security team on what security controls you need to have in place.
Protect your clients' sensitive data with enhanced security and access protocols.
DetailsProtect your clients' confidential data with enhanced security and access protocols in this Patient Data Protection feature, designed with patient data confidentiality in mind.
The increased security measures include 2-factor authentication, SSL connection, user "timeout", and blocks all access for SimplyBook.me support personnel. This function also works well with our other security features such as ‘Clean History’ deleting any data up to that point in time.
Go on our Help Center to see the instructions on how to use this custom feature.
Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and you must consult with your legal counsel and security team on what security controls you need to have in place in order to ensure compliance with HIPAA or other law/regulation. This feature does not replace our legal responsibilities and/or security controls when processing personal data under HIPAA. Contact our legal department at legal@simplybook.me for any clarifications.
Adding SSL to all client interaction is another layer of data protection compliance for your booking website and security for your clients.
This SSL feature is part of our “Legal: Security & Privacy” features and is easy, without the need of a set up. You should just enable it and all your clients’ connections with the server are secured!
Certifying your webpage can also help you to get more visitors to your page since many users won't allow their devices to browse a site without a valid SSL certificate and non-certified pages will not appear in their Google search results.
Go on our Help Centre to see the instructions on how to use this custom feature.
Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and you must consult with your security or legal team on what security controls you need to have in place.
Make your booking system more secure by enforcing 2 factor authentication
DetailsKeeping your account secure is made easy with our Google Authenticator custom feature. Making sure that system access is secure has become an industry standard, and therefore we offer this feature for free to all our users.
Using a 2-step authentication when logging into your account will make unauthorised access almost impossible. Upon entering a password, you will be asked to enter a 6-digit login code from your Google Authenticator or 3rd party application.
How does it work for you?
You download the “Google Authenticator” application from Google Play or App Store, and then connect it to your SimplyBook.me account using a QR code - Voila! You can log in, more securely. All users should use this, whether they're admins or junior employees, who want to secure their access into the account.
Go on our Help Centre to see the instructions on how to use this custom feature.
Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and you must consult with your security or legal team on what security controls you need to have in place.
Stay professional, add "Terms & Conditions" and let clients agree before booking.
DetailsIn order to protect your company, you must set up the Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) which will apply between your company and your clients.
With this feature, you can set up your legal terms and make them available via a link for your clients to read and accept with the consent checkbox.
Go on our Help Centre to see the instructions on how to use this custom feature.
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and you must obtain professional legal advice on the wording you should use for this legal agreement.
In order to be transparent with your users and show compliance with privacy laws.
DetailsIn order to be transparent with your users and show compliance with privacy laws, you might need to set up and provide a Privacy Policy. This legal document usually covers how you process personal data, protecting the rights of your users and security measures you have in place.
With this feature, you can display your privacy terms by making them available via a link for your clients to read and accept with the consent checkbox.
Go on our Help Centre to see the instructions on how to use this custom feature.
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and you must obtain professional legal advice on the wording you should use for this legal agreement.
Let your client know the rules around cancelling an appointment with you
DetailsWith the Cancellation Policy custom feature, you can restrict the time within which clients can cancel appointments by setting up cancellation options to a minimum period before the scheduled appointment, from 30 minutes to 30 days. You can even disable client cancellations altogether or ask your clients about the cancellation reason and make this option obligatory or not.
Your clients will be able to read your Cancellation Policy via a link provided to them when making their booking, and they must accept it.
Go on our Help Center to see the instructions on how to use this custom feature.
Disclaimer: This is not legal advice and you must obtain professional legal advice on the wording you should use for this legal agreement for your appcoach to refunds.
Keep your data safe and out of reach by deleting your booking history up to a predefined point. You can always download the information for safekeeping elsewhere, but you remove the slim possibility of online data breaches by clearing it from the system.
You can configure when to delete historical bookings, and our Clear History feature will take care of removing older reservations as per your setup. Please use with care as we can not retrieve deleted bookings for you! It works and deletes selected bookings untilyou disable this feature. Also please note that deleting booking history is not allowed if you already use features which use it, such as Coupons & Gift Cards and Memberships.
Check our other legal: privacy & security features.
Go on our Help Centre to see the instructions on how to use this custom feature.
Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and you must consult with your security or legal team on what security controls you need to have in place and what should be your cleaning history approach.
Add SOAP medical data to your clients information and store it encrypted with RSA4096 algorythm.
DetailsThe Subjective-Objective-Assessment-Plan (SOAP) with data encryption custom feature allows users to add time-stamped records, with four encrypted text fields, to saved client data.
This feature is ideal if you are in the medical industry and handle medical data as it adds an extra encryption layer to safeguard personal information such as medical information which fall under the category of “sensitive personal data”.
The SOAP component has now been enhanced with RSA 4096 encoding. The enhancement means that no one can have access to the encrypted data. Even if they break into the user's system or the SimplyBook.me servers, UNLESS they have the secret key, they cannot access the data. This key can be kept on a USB drive, or in a computer's folder, never stored in our servers. Just make sure that the equipment is well protected so that if it is stolen, thieves would not have easy access to the hard disk. The same applies to the USB drive; you can also encrypt this with a code that only you remember.
Go on our Help Centre to see the instructions on how to use this custom feature.
Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and you must consult with your security or legal team on what security controls you need to have in place. This feature does not replace our legal responsibilities and/or security controls when processing personal data under HIPAA. Contact our legal department at legal@simplybook.me for any clarifications.
Online and offline payments, invoices, bookings, products, memberships and gift cards -- all in our stand alone POS app.
DetailsSimplify your life by accepting payments, both online and on-site. With our easy-to-use POS custom feature, you can accept cash, credit/debit cards as well as gift cards.
For example, your customer booked a service online and then comes to pay, you find the booking and confirm payment. For new walk-in clients, you can create an appointment right from the POS interface, and proceed from there.
You can use the SimplyBook.me POS solution with your handheld card reader device, cash drawer and receipt printer for a professional payment experiment for your clients. You can also skip using a payment terminal and rather use the SimplyBook.me Admin app to accept onsite contactless payments (tap to pay) or use it to show QR code or send payment links so that your clients can pay onsite with credit card or with Apple Pay/Google Pay.
The system is optimized for iPad, Samsung tablets and all mobile devices, but also works perfectly with laptops and PCs.
See the list of features you'll get with our onsite payment solution:
In the main admin interface, there is a range of helpful tools to analyze your POS sales performance; Insights Booking Report, Sales report and Client report. Please follow this link to find out more about this custom feature.
If you are selling services and products, this feature is a must-have.
It allows you to collect payments upfront, upon booking, so you and your client don't have to worry about payment after the service is over. Incurring payments beforehand has been proven to reduce no-shows significantly.
You can accept payments via popular online payment processors such as Stripe, PayPal, and Square. Look at our full list of payment providers.
Even if you only accept offline payments such as cash or wire transfers, adding prices to your services allows you to better keep track of your business. You can monitor your most profitable services, analyse your company's productivity and play with other interesting KPIs.
Accept payment feature is also important if you want to use other custom features to enhance your business such as organise sales campaigns, sell gift cards and memberships, offer your clients to purchase related products upon bookings and more. Please check our tutorial here on how to set it up.
Take upfront payments for your services, and incentivise the client to show up
DetailsThe deposit feature gives you the ability to ask your clients to pay part of the service price upfront during the online booking process.
This feature is useful as deposits have been shown to decrease no-shows considerably.
The Deposit feature is quite flexible: your clients can choose whether they pay the deposit only or the full price. Also, you can select which services require full payment upfront and which ones only need a deposit to be bookable. You can accept deposits using online payment systems or some “offline payments” such as wire transfer or cash. In offline cases, you or your employees need to verify the deposit payment receipt, and then a manual approval is necessary within the admin interface.
What does the deposit payment look like in your payment transactions report? When a client pays the deposit, the system will create two invoices: one for the deposit and a second one for the remainder, it will display as a pending invoice (offer) until the client pays onsite and you manually approve it.
Please note that some clients may contact their bank directly to get a refund of the deposit payment - in those rare cases you can do nothing.
Get your business on the first page of a local Google search for your business type.
DetailsDo you want your potential local customers to find you on the first page of their Google search? Businesses that have a completed Google Business profile will show up high on the list of local results at the top of page one. The integration between SimplyBook.me and Google My Business allows you to import contact details, working hours, and most importantly a link to your booking website, from your SimplyBook platform.
You will be able to reach potential clients using all three Google Search, Google Assistant and Google Maps services which will increase number of potential visitors drastically. With your business location pinpointed on Google Maps, your clients can even get directions to your company’s office.
Your booking system integration with Google Business is seamless and fully automated, you’ll need only to check and confirm the system’s suggestions as it is explained in this guide of our Help Center.
Do not hesitate to benefit from using great marketing tool powered by Google!
Make the booking process as smooth as possible with the Service Categories feature!
By grouping the services into categories, you will help your customers to find what they are looking for easily. An example could be a full-service beauty salon, where it's useful to separate the hairstylists from the masseurs and skincare specialists. On top of that, you can add images and necessary descriptions to each category.
Services Categories is a must-have feature to organize a diverse list of services under relevant categories. If you also want to categorize your service providers this way, use the Multiple locations feature (just set the same address if everyone is at the same location).
The most popular payment providers that SimplyBook.me integrates with are PayPal and Stripe, both of them operate worldwide. However, if you prefer another payment provider, which is popular in your home country, take a look at the payment providers that we do have integrated. Likely, it's already on the list.
When accepting bookings online with SimplyBook.me you can also accept payments using some of the most popular payment systems such as Alipay, Asiapay (PayDollar, PesoPay, SiamPay), Authorize, Bitcoins, Borgun.is, CCAvenue, Dwolla, ECPay, GoCoin, Korta.is, Liqpay, Mollie, Pagar.me, Payfast, Payfort, Paymentwall, PayPal, PaySafeCard, PayTabs, PayU(Latin America), Pin Payments, Robokassa, Skrill, Square, Stripe, Swish, TapPay, 2Checkout, Virtual Card Services, Worldpay and Zooz.
Please contact us if your preferred payment partner is not listed here. Our goal is to enable all our global clients to receive online payments for their services via our system.
Create invoices for all your bookings and related sales to keep your accounting up-to-date.
DetailsReceiving online payments during the booking process is super efficient, but only if you make sure that your accounting stays on track. Simplify your life and let the system automatically generate orders and invoices. All related details for you and your customers are included, as any paid service and membership/gift card/package purchase will be recorded accurately. The information can be accessed in the payment transactions report and sent to customers via email if needed.
There are various ways to accept payments within the SimplyBook.me system, including several popular online payment systems such as PayPal, Stripe, Zooz and many more. The invoicing feature also supports cash, wire transfers and other offline payment methods.
All invoices are easy to view and manage in the Payments report. We also have other specific reports to help you to analyse your company's efficiency.
The Invoicing feature can help you to keep track of all your financial activity. You can sell useful related add-ons alongside your services. For example, aroma oil and candles can be a good addition to relaxing massage, and a prescribed nourishing cream is an ideal addition to facial treatment procedures, etc.
You can also strengthen your business by launching a loyalty program and selling Memberships and Gift cards. The Invoice feature supports these options and is easy to manage with the system controls.
Send booking-related confirmations and reminders to keep your clients and employees updated
DetailsAll booking related activity in the system has related notifications. You can adjust the content as you wish and define which of them the system should send to clients, service providers or both.
In the booking confirmation, you can add text about relevant service details, specify any preparatory measures, and any additional information required by the client or the service provider. Reminder notifications will help your employees and clients to remember the appointments and may significantly reduce no-shows. Cancellation and Rescheduling notifications will inform both the client and the provider about any changes to the appointment. If you are the sole provider for your business, provider notifications will simply go to your general company email.
Email notifications are the default notification format, and all SimplyBook.me plans include these notifications. For an additional charge, you can also send SMS reminders. These are priced additionally, at a fair cost, because every text message is chargeable through the SMS gateway. Please see the pricing page for information about SMS credits packages.
We also include all browser notifications in all SimplyBook.me plans. Additionally, if you are using the admin app, both confirmation and reminder push notifications work there too.
You can edit all notification templates. You can add template variables there such as [client], [date_list] and more to provide your clients and team with all the necessary information.
If you need to send custom notifications for a specific service or provider, it is also possible with Flexible notifications feature.
Send all notifications from our own professional phone number via one of trusted gateways: Twilio, Nexmo or BulkSMS
DetailsDo you want to save some money and use your professional phone number as the SMS sender for all notifications? Enable the SMS Gateway custom feature to use your SMS gateway and pay the portal directly, saving approximately 20% to 30% in comparison to buying SimplyBook.me SMS credits.
To make this work, please choose one of the SMS gateway providers:
You will need to configure the SMS portal, and enter API and secret keys into SMS Gateway feature settings as it is explained here in our Help Center. Please note, that your account creation and setup with SMS gateway providers requires some technical knowledge, and the SimplyBook.me support team cannot help with it.
Customise your client notifications to specific services and providers.
DetailsCustomize your notifications according to service and/or provider with Flexible Notifications.
By enabling this custom feature, you can tailor your messages and notifications per service, service provider or a combination of both. A service provider may need to include particular instructions for clients who book a specific service. The ballet or yoga teacher may want to specify form-fitting clothing, or the hairstylist may need unwashed hair.
It is also possible to create custom content for different types of messages. You could include additional information in a re-scheduling message or add your company Cancellation Policy in a cancellation email.
Flexible Notifications give you all the flexibility that you need for personalised client communications! Here you can see the instructions on how to set it up.
Remind your clients to come back when it's time for their next visit
DetailsBy enabling the Book Soon Notification custom feature, you can automatically remind your customers to book your services again. It could be a biannual dental check-up or reminder to refresh a client's haircut, gel nails etc.
Sending a Book Soon reminder can boost your business in many ways:
You can configure Book Soon reminders to send a predefined number of days after their last appointment. Of course, you can always customize your notification messages to make them sound warm and welcoming. Please check here the instructions on how to set it up.
Let all the email notifications come from your professional email address
DetailsDo you prefer having all emails sent by the booking system or from your professional email address?
Use the SMTP email custom feature and all email notifications, including confirmation, notification and reminder emails, will be sent through your designated SMTP server. Your professional email address will be used as the sender; you can even use your Gmail account if you want.
There are several choices of SMTP servers to choose from, and some are free for low volumes. Some examples of SMTP relay servers:
You can read more in this article.
Learn about how to set up your SMTP server data into your booking system here in our Help Center.
Do you have a separate website or app because your booking functionality requirements are highly specialised?
SimplyBook.me API provides you with a very flexible yet clear and straightforward interface that meets all your needs. You can design ideal solutions, varying from simple widgets to multi-functional applications.
Our API gives you access to all the booking data to build and deploy scheduling capabilities to your clients, providing them with a 24/7 booking platform. Additionally, you can use numerous custom feature functions that enhance your scheduling module and the customer experience. You can see a full list of functions here, in this documentation.
Though using API requires programming knowledge, it is well-documented and straightforward, which makes building your scheduling service easy. Our API introduction guide will take you through the process, from the most basic usage steps. You can even play with our API in real-time by using our API Explorer.
Attention: The API is not available with the HIPAA feature.
Two-way synchronisation of your personal Google and SimpyBook.me calendars
DetailsDo you already use web Google Calendar to schedule your time? Then you can simplify your life by synchronizing your company SimplyBook bookings with your current calendar and get all appointments in your familiar interface. All bookings will be listed in your personal calendar and you will never double book your time again.
You can also use Calendar Sync for your employees. They'll receive notifications about upcoming bookings in their web calendar at any device.
Calendar Sync is a 2-way synchronization, this means that all events from your provider's personal calendar will be blocked and unable to be booked on admin calendar. Booked slots will be visible in the provider's personal calendar and it is possible to distinguish web-calendar's bookings from time off due to day-offs or break times. Check our tutorial to see how to set up the Calendar sync custom feature here.
Two-way synchronisation of your personal Outlook and SimpyBook.me calendars
DetailsDo you already use web Outlook calendar to schedule your time? Then you can simplify your life by synchronizing your company SimplyBook bookings with your current calendar and get all appointments in your familiar interface. All bookings will be listed in your personal calendar and you will never double book your time again.
You can also use Calendar Sync for your employees. They'll receive notifications about upcoming bookings in their web calendar at any device.
Calendar Sync is a 2-way synchronization, this means that all events from your provider's personal calendar will be blocked and unable to be booked on admin calendar. Booked slots will be visible in the provider's personal calendar and it is possible to distinguish web-calendar's bookings from time off due to days-off or break times. Check our tutorial to see how to set up the Calendar sync custom feature here.
Keeps your finger on the pulse of your marketing efforts while monitoring visitors, bookings and bounce rate.
DetailsAre you tech-savvy and want to make your business efforts as efficient as possible?
Use the Google Adwords and Analytics custom feature, and benefit from using our integration with these two great marketing tools!
Google Ads is a great online advertising platform which is used to post brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings and video content. Use Google Ads analytics to count how many make bookings after clicking an Adwords advertisement. To learn more about the platform top benefits, you can read this article..
To start using these features, please register your accounts within Google Ads and Analytics and enter the necessary details into the SimplyBook's feature setup interface. You'll find details instructions in our Help Center manual.
This feature is a great way to stay on top of your marketing efforts!
Do you have international clients speaking different languages? Add Google Translate's automatic translation to your booking website and allow your clients to pick their language and make an appointment in their native tongue.
Initially, you should have your page in the language most popular among your clients. However, exceed your client expectations and make it possible for them to choose their preferred language, from over a hundred allowed by Google Translate.
To learn more about it and how to set it up, please look at this article in our Help Center.
Provide online video meetings and get a multifunctional booking system at the same time
DetailsUse Gruveo as a super-efficient method for fully anonymous phone or video appointments.
According to Gruveo.com, their video appointments are encrypted over SSL. Wherever possible, they also use peer-to-peer technology where the data flows directly between the participants’ devices.
How does it work? When clients book a meeting with you, they receive an email with a hash link to a Gruevo online meeting and upon clicking they will connect to a secure “meeting room”.
Use of the SimplyBook.me Gruevo integration is much better than inviting all participants in chat or email because you’re also getting all the benefits of the booking system. Service providers and meeting participants will get email and SMS reminder notifications that can significantly reduce no-shows and meetings delays. All your bookings will be gathered in the Admin calendar and in the Booking details report, so you can quickly see and manage everything that is going on in your business. Workload graphs, sales, payments, taxes and other reports will help you to manage your business.
SimplyBook.me is currently working hard to implement integrations with many popular video meeting systems such as Zoom and Microsoft teams. Subscribe to our news to keep in touch.
Use Zapier to connect your booking site to your accounts in MailChimp, SalesForse, Google, Slack end other apps
DetailsZapier Connector can cover your custom requirements which can't be solved within the general SimplyBook.me functionality. How does it work? SimplyBook.me is listed in Zapier and when something happens in SimplyBook.me it calls certain trigger you'll set in Zapier and correspondingly calls events in other connected software.
There are hundreds of actions you can achieve with Zapier connector upon booking or change of a booking, like:
Investigate your possibilities of integrations among hundreds of examples from Zapier.
You can see the step-by-step instructions in our Help Center and do not hesitate to contact our support for help if you need it!
Do you provide services in Asia? Then benefit from Line messenger popularity by using the SimplyBook.me booking bot.
Whether you have a separate website for client bookings or not, it is always a good idea to allow your customers to book directly via a messenger they love.
Our courteous and friendly bot is a hard-worker, he'll help your clients 24/7, guide them throughout the booking process. Using his high intelligence to meet all of their needs, he's always polite and in a good mood. Check setup instructions here.
With the iOS and Android admin apps you can manage your day-to-day activities on the go. The app is very simple and easy to manage and gives you access to the basic most used daily function. It does not include all settings possibilities, so for setting up the system you will need to go on the mobile version of SimplyBook.me or even better on your desktop.
What the admin app offers is the following:
Click here to see how to download and use the Admin App.
The client app makes it easy for your clients to book again, see past bookings, have an easy offline access to tickets and receipts.
DetailsThe Client app is available for all paying SimplyBook.me users who use the client login feature. If you have a premium subscription, you can personalise it with your business logo and brand colours. Ask your clients to access your booking website on a mobile device, and from there you can invite them to download the app on their mobile.
It’s as simple as that!With the client app, your clients can:
Please note:
Read more about the client app here
Enable your clients to book and attend video meetings directly from your SimplyBook.me booking website.
With the Online Video Meetings custom feature you can now offer video meetings right from your booking website. This is how it works:
This native integration works very smoothly and you can set it up within a few minutes. Please click here to read how exactly to set it up.
Set up Single Sign-On process for you as the system admin and your account users enabling login to SimplyBook.me system from MS Azure applications panel. You can create users in MS Azure within the desired access level groups and the corresponding user types will be added in your SimplyBook.me system on the first login.
DetailsThis custom feature allows to setup Single Sign-On process for you as the system admin and your account users thus enabling login to SimplyBook.me system from MS Azure applications panel. You can create users in MS Azure within the desired access level groups and the corresponding user types will be added in your SimplyBook.me system on the first login.
Be attentive to add all the settings correctly following this tutorial from our Help center
With the Client Field custom feature you can collect information about your clients the first time they book your services by asking them multiple questions. This feature works with Client Login, so the first time your client is signing up to book your services, they can be asked different types of questions and the answers will remain attached to the client and not their booking.
This custom feature is great if you want to know more about your client like for example their birthday, their insurance or ID number. The options are endless and this is your chance to get to know your customers better.
Answers to those questions can be added to email notification and they can also be exported to excel if needed via client report.
Please click here to read how exactly to set it up.
Send your clients and staff professional looking emails with your own customisable branding, links and buttons. This custom feature gives you access to our HTML editor where you can easily drag and drop various content blocks, add images, text, contact details, etc.
You can also choose from a range of professional looking email templates ready for you to use.
By adding Google Meet links to your bookings, your clients will receive an invite to a Google event within their booking confirmation. There they can accept it and add the meeting to their personal calendar. When the meeting is due, both you and the client can attend via the Google Link provided, whether it's an audio or video meeting.
The “File Uploader - Google Drive” custom feature allows you to collect files, documents or images, from your clients upon booking or when your clients sign up with you via either the intake form or client fields features. The files can be up to 5MB in size and are saved to your Google Drive.
If you collect these documents as part of the booking intake form, you will be able to see and download the files from the booking pop-up on the calendar page. Alternatively, you can access these files from Manage/Clients/Edit client record if you gather this information in the signup process as a client field.
The Loyalty system will allow you to strengthen the relationship with your clients! The way it works is that your clients will earn specific amounts of points with each purchased service. They can then redeem those points for a gift card with your business which they can in turn use to purchase your services.
You can also allocate some extra loyalty points to your favourite client, and your clients can log in at all times to see the status of their accumulated points. See the video here to see how it works.
Use this feature to make your calendar look busy while you build your business
DetailsSet min/max time settings for each of your services and classes
DetailsThe 'Tips' custom feature is a convenient tool that allows clients to offer tips during the booking process or at the point of checkout.
When activated, the 'Tips' feature can be set up in two ways:
Add one or multiple tags to your clients so that you can use to filter out when sending marketing message, get reports etc.
DetailsManage your social media presence and ad campaigns directly from SimplyBook.me. With the Social Media & Ads feature, you can create, schedule, and monitor posts across multiple platforms and run targeted ads to increase your business's visibility. Keep your brand active and engage with clients easily, all from one centralized platform. Ideal for businesses looking to expand their online reach and attract more bookings.
DetailsAs soon as you sign up for SimplyBook.me you get your own booking website, just for you and your business! This website can be your main and even only website as you can add more pages with information regarding your business and last but not least, accept bookings for your business!
The url for your website will be your company login followed by .simplybook.me: mycompany.simplybook.me - choose carefully. ;)
The simplest way to accept bookings is just to direct people to your booking website url where they can book themselves. If you only want specific people to be able to book you can use our Log In custom feature so that your clients have to log in before they can make a booking or even use our Membership Feature to restrict certain bookings of services to members only. Finally, should you wish to only use SimplyBook.me to manage your bookings yourself, without letting people book online, you can disable the booking website.
The booking website is responsive, meaning it works in all browsers and on all devices - well, all the normal ones anyway. If you are using something extremely funky, we can’t make any promises. ;)
With SimplyBook.me you can use various custom features to enhance your sales and marketing efforts such as:
Read more about each feature in the boxes below:
The reason SimplyBook.me can accommodate the wide variety of different business users is down to one little secret: Flexible Functionality. We keep the core system as simple as possible and enable our clients to plug-in any additional functionality they need.
Dozens of features can help you organise staff and schedules, customise design, enhance your marketing, and so much more.
You can restrict the total number of simultaneous appointments, ask clients to pay a deposit upfront or require admin confirmation of each booking. Organise your schedule efficiently by setting fixed times when services can start or adding buffer times between services to give your employees time to prepare.
Making the booking process smooth and trouble-free for your clients is easy with our system. Customise the timezones, date, and time formats of your booking calendar, show remaining spaces for classes and send printable tickets to your clients. Allow them to reschedule with ease if they need it.
We regard information security with a high priority (link here), and you can benefit from our many security-focused features. Functions such as the Clean History feature, Cancellation Policy, SOAP encryption, and much more mean that your data remains safe to the highest standards of the industry.
The possibilities are so vast. Search here for the feature you need and apply it to your booking system!
We pride ourselves on two main things when it comes to our system. Ease of use and flexibility.
A wealth of customization options is core to the flexibility and adaptability of the SimplyBook.me system and our custom features are at the core of its customization. We therefore encourage you to go through our custom features to see all that the system has to offer, but just to give you an idea of the things that can be customized in the system, here is a by-no-means-comprehensive list!
We consider the success of our users' businesses as our measure of success, which is why we do our utmost to support your company's growth and progress.
Wise management and an excellent marketing strategy are the keys to company stability, sustainability and growth. Payment transactions, Sales and tax report, and Daily reports will help you quickly check and analyze the leading indicators of your company performance. You will be able to see which services bring you the most profit and whether the working time is most effectively distributed. Let our Insights report give you clarity on how to make your company even more profitable.
The booking page you have, along with Google Reserve and Instagram and Facebook booking features, are your additional tools to attract new customers. Offline advertising is often insanely expensive, and less productive while advertising online is cheap, easy and powerful. In our blog, we regularly post tips on how to make your page more attractive to visitors, raise your SEO rank and lure new people from different channels.
Analytical features such as Google Analytics, Google adwords, Visitor Counter, and others will help you evaluate the results of your efforts and always see the full picture of your company's reputation development.
Our features under the “Legal: Privacy and Security” section can help you ensure your business complies with key laws and regulations when offering your services and using our booking solution.
See how we do it and stay compliant with the GDPR and what security measures we have in place.
Disclaimer: Our features and details below are meant for guidance and/or informational purposes only and do not constitute professional legal advice in any way. Subject to our Terms and Conditions, we do not guarantee any compliance with relevant laws and/or regulations or accuracy or suitability to your business operations and/or legal obligations by using any or all of these features.
You must seek professional legal advice and your own judgement when utilising our products and services, as may be needed. We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue any of the features with reasonable prior notice where deemed necessary.
Now you can enjoy a seamless experience all the way from booking through client checkout. With the online payment and native POS system, you can offer your clients to book your services online, sell gift cards, create promotions, accept online payments and accept cash or credit card payments on site.
By using the admin app you will get an instant push notification on your mobile, whenever a new booking comes in or when an old booking gets cancelled or rescheduled. The system can then send automatic notifications for which you control the settings. Unless otherwise specified, it can send notifications to you as an admin, to your staff and to your clients.
SimplyBook.me integrates with all sorts of good stuff to help you do your thing, from payment processors, to websites, transactional email services, various Google Services and more. We also have an API custom feature allowing you to connect SimplyBook.me to most any system, and we integrate with Zapier to give you access to all that Zapier automation magic between various systems. Find out all about our integrations right here.
Please see country list to see which payment provider service your country
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14-day trial includes most paid functions
Start free trial now! Free 14-day trial includes all features and 50 bookingsKeep in mind that we also offer an even simpler tool intended for meeting scheduling. Check it out if you feel SimplyBook.me is too extensive for your needs.